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Market size for Oxy-Rx™

Product Code
Registration Classification
Market Size

Organ Sustainability and Protection ​

(Universal functional fluid and recycle)​

Medical Device

US $10b


Brain Injury Protection ​

(Treatment for stroke and traumatic brain injury)​


US $15b


Triple Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis


US $0.5b


Brain Tumor Metastasis


US $2b




US $500b*

*The cost of hospitilizations, on top of any other required treatments for COVID-19, could total $546.6 billion for payers.​

Market size for Oxy-Rx™ pipeline (<1yr possible-DEV)

(US only, research available for large "ethical market" with better outcomes (published)

Registration Classification
Market Size

Oxygen Availability Protection-for-Perfusion Therapy and Anti-Ischemia/hypoxia/necrosis Treatment 

Ex. Trauma, Heart attack and stroke resuscitation, ​

Thalassemia and sickle cell crisis,​

Bleeding and anemia

Human / Vet

US $40b

Organ Sustainability and Protection - ​

(Universal functional fluid and recycle)

Medical Device

US $10b

Cancer Metastasis

Human / Vet

US $2.5b

Veterinary Market

(US only, research available for large "ethical market" with better outcomes (published)

Animal Application (no product in the market)

For dogs, cats, horses, and companion animals​.

INDEX: Adrenalectomy in Ferrets 

A common disorder that typically requires sacrifice of another companion ferret in order to replace blood loss during the curative surgery. 

MUMS (Minor Use/ Minor Species): Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

Increasing in prevalence in older dogs where treatment is more difficult and surgical complications more common. The need for transplantation is important for the survival of the dog. ​

Strategic Advantage in prioritizing the veterinary market

  • No risk, no competition​
  • Confirmation of technology​
  • Strategic partnerships​
  • Viable cost - $100 USD minimum charge per application ​
  • Sizable market - can address a 5% to 10% US animal market of 112 million animals

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For further information on OXY-Rx™ please contact us.

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0207 034 3300

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Fitzrovia Hospital,

13-14 Fitzroy Square London, W1T 6AH

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Matinicus Pharma provides life-sustaining support and resuscitation for local (tissue, organ) and systemic (body) oxygen deprivation.

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0207 034 3300

Fitzrovia Hospital,

13-14 Fitzroy Square London, W1T 6AH